The Assembla-Kiuwan™ integration brings more security to your code than ever before. Assembla’s integration with the Kiuwan™ code security scanning platform allows development teams building software on Assembla to “shift left” and further secure their SDLC by automatically scanning code in their Assembla repositories with Kiuwan’s™ enterprise-grade application security engine.

Assembla and Kiuwan users utilizing this robust new integration will enjoy the benefit of having their repository automatically scanned on a weekly basis by Kiuwan’s comprehensive static code analysis engine. Any vulnerabilities detected during this scan will automatically be highlighted and recorded in your Assembla code commit history.

Code security scanning platform

Should a vulnerability be identified by Kiuwan’s rigorous weekly scan, devs can dig deeper into the vulnerability from the Security Scan tab of their Assembla repository.

All users of Assembla’s Kiuwan integration get access to 5 results from the weekly Kiuwan scan for free, without needing to register for an account with Kiuwan. Teams that are members of both Kiuwan and Assembla will receive unlimited results from the Kiuwan scanner. Additionally, these teams gain access to Kiuwan’s powerful set of business analytics, flexible and comprehensive scanning settings, and notifications available directly from the Kiuwan dashboard.

Kiuwan™ is an Idera, Inc. company that enables a DevSecOps approach by silently adding security without the need to analyze on central servers, thanks to its distributed engine and the speed of its analysis. Kiuwan is unique in allowing the possibility of scaling its engine to as many developers as needed while granting them secure coding practices, and assuring security by design from the outset.

Want to learn more about our latest integration? Check out the full help article